Monday 17 April 2017

Properties of water

Freezing point at sea level = 32 0F=0 0C
Boiling point at sea level = 212 0F = 100 0C
Density of water at 4 0C = 1000 kg/m3 = 1 g/cm3 = 1 kg/liter = 62.428 lb/ft3 = 1.951 slugs/ft3
Specific heat of water at 14 0C = 1.00002 calories/g· 0C = 1 BTU/lb. 0F = 4.1869 joules/g· 0C
Specific heat of ice ≈ 0.5 calories/g· 0C
Specific heat of steam ≈ 0.48 calories/g· 0C
Absolute viscosity of water at 20 0C = 1.0019 centipoise (cp) = 0.0010019 Pascal-seconds (Pa·s)
Surface tension of water (in contact with air) at 18 0C = 73.05 dynes/cm

pH of pure water at 25 0C = 7.0 (pH scale = 0 to 14 )

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